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You are viewing Cheat Codes for R.O.S.E. Online System : PC - Windows Date Added : 2006-05-26 11:11:36 Views : 23764 Building levels Building levels in the main world is a bit harder to do if you leave "Noob" island too soon. Stay at the "Noob Island" and build up until you reach level 10. By the time you reach level 10 in "Noob Island", you should have enough items gathered that the Jellies, Little Jellies, Little Chorpy, Jelly Nut, Royal Jelly and all the other creatures drop. Go to Seyon in Adventure Plains to get the Price Checklist quest. Then, go to Ulysses in Zant for quite a bit of experience. He will ask you to give his price checklist to Seyon. You can keep going back and forth between the two for easy experience. Easy money When you get to the main world, fight as many Jelly Beans as possible. If you are not going to be a dealer, sell them for fast money. If you are going to be a dealer, hold on to them until you can make items, then sell them. When you are in Nooblet Island, kill until you get a lot of Jam +5. Sell them at Zant, then store it at Crow. Then, use your other character and take out your money or items. Hidden commands Type one of the following commands in the chat window and press Enter: /noui - Remove user interface /effect 297 - Party level-up effect (but no actual level up) /effect 300 - Glowing orange ball at feet /effect 243 - Character hit by lightning /effect 299 - Smoke at feet /effect 241 - Small white ball flashes on feet /effect 242 - Explosion on body /effect 244 - Ball lightning and a tornado on body /effect 245 - Tornado coming out from body /effect 105 - Strange pyramid at feet /effect 160 - Level-up effect /effect 164 - Attack down buff effect /effect 165 - Attack up buff effect /effect 166 - Defense down buff effect /effect 167 - Defense up buffs effect /effect 168 - Buff that resembles coin up effect /effect 169 - Buff that resembles a coin down effect /effect 170 - Movement speed down buff effect /effect 173 - Black/purple smoke at your feet /effect 174 - Accuracy up buff effect /effect 175 - Accuracy down buff effect /effect 176 - Poison effect /effect 177 - Dodge rate down buff effect /effect 178 - Dodge rate up buff effect /effect 181 - Attack speed up buff effect /effect 182 - Attack speed down buff effect Not enough codes for you? Search for more cheats at cheat codes club. Or simply Click here to find more R.O.S.E. Online cheat codes.
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